“Get insurance with GOD and do a good deed, settle down and stick to your last. Keep company with GOD, get in on the best.
Open up before GOD, keep nothing back; he’ll do whatever needs to be done: He’ll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon.”
Psalm 37:3-6 MSG
Who do you hang with? Keep company with?
Do they lead you towards God? Going in the right direction? Striving to do the next right thing? Or…maybe not-so-much.
The Psalmist tells us if we want to “get in on the best” we need to keep company with God. That means He knows you well…and you know Him. He knows your quirks, your habits, your struggles and your joys. AND He wants you to hang with Him. No matter what!
It also means that you know Him! His habits, His ways, His wisdom, His eyes looking deep into you, drawing you with love and compassion. This kind of intimacy, with the Father, allows Him to reveal His “best plans” on your step-by-step journey.
That means you need to stay right by His side. No straying. No running away. No bad attitude. Instead, your closeness creates a deep desire to open up to Him, holding nothing back. You know that you know He is good and always can be trusted, as you haven’t watched Him from afar but have experienced His every move up-close.
And as you walk together, honestly and intimately, you notice that “He’ll do whatever needs to be done to validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon.”
You’ve been keeping company with the One who sheds light into the shadows of your life…and as you hang around Him more and more…you notice that His ways, His habits are becoming your ways and habits too.
And pretty soon you’re settling down and doing good…not because it’s on your checklist…but because you’ve been changed from the inside out by the One who is your intimate friend.