“Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray.
Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.
It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”
Philippians 4:6, 7 MSG
Are you a worrywart? Did you know that God didn’t create you to worry? Instead, He created you as a dependent creature on Him. The One who knows the end from the beginning. The Omniscient One. The One who is in control.
He wants you to hold His hand as you cross the busy street of life. He will order your steps. (Remember, in Psalms, “Man plans his way, but God directs his steps.”) That should put a smile on your face. A skip in your step.
And it means that you need to purpose in your heart to trust Him. The God who Sees! Trust your unseen future to the One who already knows it. That seems simple enough, doesn’t it? Then why don’t we do it? Why do we live anxiously about all the “what-ifs”?
Well, we have a propensity to live our days independent of God. Thinking that we can handle whatever comes along. Thinking that we’re the “god” of our lives. Conveniently leaving God out of the equation…until we come to a place where we feel out-of-control.
Your husband just lost his job. Your daughter has been diagnosed with a rare disease. Your mom needs to move into assisted living. Your finances are in a shambles. Your oldest is headed off to college. You have feelings that you’re in over your head. Quite frankly, you’re overwhelmed with life.
Where do you turn for help? For guidance? For wisdom? For your sanity? Fret and worry have not been working for you…and never will. God is waiting for you to look up instead of continuing on in your eddy current of worry.
PRAY! Stop the downward spiral of worry and let God know your concerns. He’s wondering what took you so long to turn to Him. He’s always at-the-ready to listen to your petitions and to respond with the BEST solution.
Then you will have peace. Peace that will guard your heart and mind. Interminable peace. You will realize that everything is coming together for the good. Not that all your circumstances are good, but they will somehow, someway work out for your good and His glory.
Run to Him. Keep yourself on a short leash next to Him. Tell Him all your concerns, joys, troubles, sorrows. He has a sweet, attentive ear and already knows what is best for you.
Remember He made you to be in an abiding relationship with Him. When you step away and do your own thing, worry will accompany you. And it’s not very good company. Worry will tear you apart and spit you out for dinner. Not God’s intention.
Pray. Pray about the big. The small. Everything. Prayer is the only thing that reaches heaven before we do.
Pray on! Worry will cease. “It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center if your life.”