“Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you’ll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance.
Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you’re serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t cover up bad work.”
Colossians 3:22-25 MSG
Do you always do your best work? Giving every task 110%? Including menial things, like hanging up that dress you dropped on the department store’s floor? (Or do you think no one will see…and besides, the store pays staff for that sort of thing.)
Then, that old wristband comes to mind…WWJD. Yep. Those hauntingly familiar words…What Would Jesus Do?…flood your thoughts.
It’s not just in the “big picture” of work…like your career, cleaning your home, landscaping your yard, volunteering at church, serving on a mission trip, or studying for an exam…that you are to do your best. No, It’s the individual tasks that comprise the “big-picture work” that really count.
Every task, the ones you like to do AND the ones you don’t, both need to be approached as working for The Lord. Remember, He is your Ultimate Master! He is the One you are working for…not for mere man. And that mindset makes a huge difference in your attitude and quality of work. Then, and only then, will you be working from your heart.
Plus, there’s a delightful bonus! God, Himself, will pay you in full when you come into your inheritance! There’s a bit of time-delay in the payment…but ohhhhhhh, it will be so worth it! So don’t focus on just the “here and now” as you work. Focus on “THEE day”!
You may not be receiving the wage you desire, the promotions you deserve, or the appreciation from others (including your family)…but God sees all!
He sees your sacrificial, good-attitude work. He sees you doing your best without any recognition. He sees you doing the next right thing, no matter if you want to or not. He sees that your feelings are obeying your faith.
And He, as your Real Master, is beaming with pride, as your life is showing all those around you, that you are a follower of Jesus Christ! He can hardly wait to see you so He can pay you in full!!