“But you asked God for help and he gave you the victory. God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to him. You were foolish to go for human help when you could have had God’s help.”
2 Chronicles 16: 8-10
Where do you turn for help? Who is your go-to person? The one who is ALWAYS there?
Well, if it isn’t God, you are settling for only human help. God sees the big picture. He knows the end from the beginning. We only see a snapshot. God knows ALL. We only know in part. God is all-powerful. Humans? Not so much.
God WANTS you to ask Him for help. He designed you that way. He loves to care for you. Intimately. After all, your Manufacturer knows how you work best.
Here’s the dilemma…you start to trust Him, but when you don’t see immediate results, you turn to the ones you can see. And so the cycle begins. Asking others for their advice, their opinions. Hoping in their answers instead of waiting on the All-Knowing God and in the meantime He is giving you the opportunity to grow up your faith. After all, “It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him.” Hebrews 11:6
You have come to a crisis of belief. Either God is who He says He is…or He isn’t. There is no fence standing.
“He is ALWAYS on the alert, constantly on the lookout, for people who are totally committed to Him.” What? He is looking out for me? And meanwhile, instead of gratefully holding His hand for each step, I scour my posse to see who can advise me. “You were foolish to go for human help when you could have had God’s help.”
God, let me turn to you first. May You be my only thought. My go-to. My All-in-All. You know what is best for me. I desire to be loyal to you, so as Your eyes go to-and-fro the earth looking for those who are steadfast to You…You will stop on me and smile knowingly.