“When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. When you come looking for me, you’ll find me.
Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed. God ’s Decree. I’ll turn things around for you…. You can count on it.”
Jeremiah 29:12, 14 MSG
God’s personal promises to His people…to you and me! He decreed it. It is so. You can depend on Him as if your very life depended on His decrees. (And quite frankly, it does.)
His promises will stand the test of time and then some. They are for all time! They will never fail. They are birthed from God Almighty. They can’t fail.
The prophet Jeremiah tells us of His Decrees:
He will listen to you.
He is able to be found.
He will not disappoint you.
He will turn things around for you.
He is dependable.
He will listen to me. My heart leaps for joy! My God will listen and turn His ear towards me. He cares enough about me to actually listen to me. In this frenetic world, people may hear me, but very few listen to my heart. But God does and that’s all that matters.
He is able to be found. Have you ever tried to get ahold of someone that you needed to talk to right away? And they are nowhere to be found? You call, text, email, personal message on FB, show up at their home…and you keep missing them? Not with God! He is able to be found. He is at-the-ready!
He will not disappoint you. Everyone else will fail you…will disappoint you…but God promises He will not! He cannot! He’s God. He’s not talking of all your “wants.” He knows what you need even before you do…and it’s Him! He promises He will never disappoint you!
He will turn things around for you. Ever been traveling the wrong way on a road trip? Oh, I have. I remember driving 150 miles the wrong direction as my parents snoozed in the car. Upon my dad’s waking, he guided me on the right road. He turned things around for me and set me in the right direction. Same with our Heavenly Father.
He is dependable. What God says…He does! You can depend on Him. If you have earthly friends that you can trust to do what they said they would do, to be where they said they would be..then you are blessed. But to know that God is dependable…that you can rely on Him for everything and He has decreed it! That is heavenly!
So, if God has decreed all these promises to His people (and He has)…how do we receive them? How do those Promises become my personal promises?
Easy. He tells us. He wants us to partake! This is a Two-Way Street. He tells us, “Call on me. Come and pray to me. Come look for me. Get serious about finding me. Want Me more than anything else.”
That’s it. He’s the Promise Maker. The Promise Giver. I am the Promise receiver. How do I receive? By actively pursuing an ongoing relationship with the One I love and trust.