“The people I love, I call to account—prod and correct and guide so that they’ll live at their best.
Up on your feet, then! About face! Run after God!”
Revelation 3:19 MSG
A prodding God. He cares enough to urge, exhort, motivate, provoke and stimulate you to live at your best!
He wants you to live…REALLY LIVE! And He knows what it takes to rouse you. Not to settle.
His great love for you compels Him to prod. Just like a parent exhibits with his precious child, He calls us to account for our actions. But thankfully, He doesn’t leave us there. He prods when necessary. Corrects when wrong. And guides our missteps.
What love! He is continually honing us. That’s a lot of work. Prod. Correct. Guide. Prod. Correct. Guide. Until we are shaped into the likeness of Him! Then we can live at our very best!
He never gives up. He never quits on us. His desire is to have us turn around and run after Him. No more running away from Him.
And how does He accomplish this about-face in us? Mainly, through His Word. The only book as you read it…it reads you. Conviction. Response. Change. Conviction. Response. Change.
So as He prods us…there is conviction. As He corrects us, we respond. And as He guides us, we are changed. Our missteps become His steps!
We are now living at our best. We have turned around (repented of our ways). We are on our feet. At-the-ready to respond to His every prod, correction and guidance.
It’s a grateful way of life. We want His intimate care. His amazing love. We desire to stay accountable to Him. That keeps us at our best! And keeps us running after God!
So when you feel His prod, you know He loves you and is calling you higher. Then, let that conviction turn into a response and watch the change of heart that envelopes you. You are now living at your best!