“Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear!
Those who hear and don’t act are like those who glance in the mirror, walk away, and two minutes later have no idea who they are, what they look like.
James 1:22-24 MSG
Would you consider yourself a good listener? An active listener? When someone addresses you, do you look them in the eyes? Nod your head? Understand what they’re saying and then respond appropriately?
What about when “Thee Someone” is talking to you? When God’s living and active Word speaks into the very depth of your being. Whether you are reading it, a pastor is preaching it, a teacher is teaching it, or you’re in conversation with Him…are those listening skills tuned up? Or is His Word going in one ear and out the other? In fact, this verse, in the NIV translation says, “Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves. DO WHAT IT SAYS!”
When His very Words are convicting you, don’t turn away. That’s the equivalent of looking in a mirror and 2 minutes later forgetting what you look like. What good did it do to look in the mirror if you’re not going to respond to what the mirror pointed out?
Spinach in your teeth. Mascara weeping. Toilet paper stuck to your heel. Static cling. You wouldn’t ignore what you saw reflected. You’d correct it and be grateful for the mirror.
Same principle with active listening. You hear from the Father that this bad habit needs to go; these words need to be cleaned up; and this apology must be said. Do something about it!
After all, He has left His Word, the BIBLE…Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth…so we can live the abundant life He desires for us. A purpose-filled life! So don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re a listener, when you are anything but. Act on what you hear.