“I’m asking GOD for one thing, only one thing: To live with him in his house my whole life long.
I’ll contemplate his beauty; I’ll study at his feet. That’s the only quiet, secure place in a noisy world, The perfect getaway, far from the
buzz of traffic”
Psalm 27:4-5 MSG
Where do you escape for some solitude? Away from the loud, in-your-face, white-noise-of-life coming at you?
It may be your cabin by still waters. Or a walk on a tree-canopied path. Your boat with a fishing pole in-hand. Or just flopping on the couch with your pup’s head in your lap. All of those getaways are wonderful…but they only satisfy for awhile. Just a temporary fix.
But God (my two favorite words) has the permanent solution…the perfect getaway…forever providing a quiet, secure place in a noisy world!
And where is this idyllic place? With God. His house. In God’s house. But you gotta wanna dwell in His house. The Psalmist desired to live with
God all his days, so much so, that he asked God for only one thing…”to live with Him my whole
life long.”
Not just to hang out as a guest in His house. No, the reason the Psalmist wants to be there is to get to know, really know, God. Study His ways. Watch His daily routine. Sit at His feet and listen intently to His every word. To observe His every move.
To meditate on His character. To reflect on
His beauty.
Why? So he could become just like Him in thought, word and deed. Then, the noise of life, the continual honking of the temporal, will sound like a feather dropping.
Oh, the buzz of traffic will still be there, but you are affixed on God’s beauty. You are experiencing a perfect and secure place dwelling with the One who created you and wants to give you rest. After all, He did invite you to, “Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.”
Oh God, I desire to live with you all my life. Help me to know that only resting in You keeps me from hearing the loud noisy world all around me.