“You thrill to GOD ’s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night.
You’re a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom.”
Psalm 1:2-3 MSG
When my daughter graduated from Great Lakes Naval boot camp, I was thrilled. When my husband leaves an unexpected post-it note thanking me for being his wife…I’m thrilled. When a girlfriend calls me just to share life and laugh…I’m thrilled. When someone, I am praying for, has a breakthrough…I am thrilled.
The Psalmist thrills to God’s Word! Of course He does! These are living, breathing, life-changing, soul-rescuing words from the intimate heart of God. Made to give us life. And life abundantly! Words that you can thrill to as you steep on the promises of God in print!
No one else can speak LIVING words into your very heart, soul and mind. Oh, there are encouraging, kind and helpful words. But only God’s Word reads YOU as you read it.
Isaiah, a major prophet, tells us that flowers will fade and the grass will wither, but the Word of God will last forever! (Isaiah 40:8) How can His Word last forever? They are full of life! Always living. That is something to thrill to!
And the more you chew on God’s Word, the more you’ll thrill to it. That means you just don’t gulp it down. No…you taste it. Savor it. Think on it. Let it roll over and over like a cow chewing his cud.
When you chew on something, you allow it to release bursts of flavor. Plus, you’ve allowed for optimum nutrition. Imagine how His powerful Words will take root in you! Chew on!
Also, notice there are only two times that we should chew on Scripture. Only 2x! Day and night! Well, that pretty much sums up 24 hours! His point is well taken!
All-day-and-night Words which create a living hope in you, so you will always be full of life…bearing fresh fruit every month…always in blossom.