The Master said: “These people make a big show of saying the right thing, but their hearts aren’t in it. Because they act like they’re worshiping me but don’t mean it, I’m going to step in and shock them awake, astonish them, stand them on their ears.
You pretend to have the inside track. You shut God out and work behind the scenes, Plotting the future as if you knew everything, acting mysterious, never showing your hand. You have everything backward! You treat the potter as a lump of clay.
Does a book say to its author, “He didn’t write a word of me”? Does a meal say to the woman who cooked it, “She had nothing to do with this?”
Isaiah 29:13, 15-16 MSG
God knows you. God knows everything about you. God knows your heart’s motivation. He knows you inside and out. Now for those who know God, this truth brings them joy and floods their soul with relief.
However, for those who just pretend to honor God…who make a big show with their lips…God knows that too. He knows you’re a fake. He knows you are putting on a show. Maybe for your parents. Maybe for your church. Maybe for your kids. But God KNOWS your heart and He will continue to pursue you so that you will become real before Him.
Whatever He needs to do to bring you to Him, He will do, including stepping in and giving you a wake-up call. He knows the most important thing about you is what you think of Him and so He will continue to reveal Himself to you.
Just when you thought you knew it all, having the corner on wisdom, God will expose your foolishness.
You can’t keep acting as if you are God and He isn’t. You are living a pretend life thinking you have the inside track. (Even then, the grace of God is allowing you to shut Him out of your life, living as if He doesn’t exist!)
Do YOU know the future? Do YOU know that you will awaken from your night’s sleep? No, only the One who made you and knows you…KNOWS!
We hope we will awaken in the morning but only God knows. So we are to put our hope in the One who knows. Then we won’t be plotting the future as if we know everything.
You and I know it would be foolishness, and we would look like fools, if we thought the words of a book owned the author. We know the author owns those words. The author wrote the book. The author shaped those words into his own story. And that’s what God is doing with you…with me. He is shaping us into His story.
That is right thinking. That is letting God be God. That is honoring God with your heart.